Love Music Hate People: De Kastelein-The Skinhead Pub


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martes, 7 de abril de 2015

De Kastelein-The Skinhead Pub

De Kastelein-The Skinhead Pub-2004

01 - Resistance 77 - Kezze in De Kastelein (U.K.)
02 - Les Vilains - Somebody put something in my drink (Belgium)
03 - Headcase - Still fighting (Belgium)
04 - On File - Another day in paradise (U.K.)
05 - The Veros - The way I feel (France)
06 - The Skinflicks - Brugge Skins (Luxembourg)
07 - Razorblade - Hunt you down (Holland)
08 - Haircut - Samedi soir (France)
09 - Anti Behaviour - Rebel for life (U.K.)
10 - Super Yob - Machine guns'n'alcohol (U.K.)
11 - Barking Dogs - Wir sind die Barking Dogs (Germany)
12 - Banner of Thugs - The hammer (Holland)
13 - Legittima Offesa - Legittima offesa (Italy)
14 - Offside - I don't give a fuck (Italy)
15 - Section 5 - Nowhere to run (U.K.)
16 - Kampfzone - Made in Germany (Germany)
17 - Hardsell - Who's the real (Holland)
18 - Get Out - We are gonna take it (Holland)
19 - Backstreet Firm - Strenght thru Oi! (Germany)
20 - Retaliator - Freedom (Australia / U.K.)
21 - Steelcapped Strength - Sons of glory (Sweden)
22 - Lion's Pride - De Vlaamse teeuw (Belgium)

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