Love Music Hate People: Runnin' Riot


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lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Runnin' Riot

1998- Reclaim The Streets

01 - Alcoholic Heroes
02 - Drunk & Disorderly
03 - Divide & Conquer
04 - Keep The Faith
05 - Judge, Jury & Executioner
06 - Work Together
07 - A Way Of Life
08 - Johnny Reggae
09 - Rock 'N' Roll Sellout
10 - Punishment Beating
11 - Right Thru You
12 - Time To Fight

2000- Monk's Not Dead

01 - Cash In Hand
02 - Victimisation
03 - The Saturday Ritual
04 - Captain Chaos
05 - P.T.A.
06 - Kill The Police
07 - We're Not Gonna Take It
08 - Runnin' Riot
09 - Babylon's Burning

2002- Runnin' Riot & Tower Blocks - Split EP

01 - Runnin' Riot - Divided Loyalties
02 - Runnin' Riot - Workin' Class Killing
03 - Tower Blocks - Feinherb & Spritzig
04 - Tower Blocks - Premium-Oi!

2004- Built In Belfast

01 - Buckfast Tonic Wine
02 - City Of Culture
03 - Corporate Box
04 - Titanic Mentality
05 - Toy Guns
06 - (We Only Came To) Dance
07 - I'm Guilty
08 - Divided Loyalties
09 - No Superiors
10 - Armchair Anarchist (Attila The Stockbroker)
(Sorry, miss this track!)
11 - Yesterdays Men
12 - B.T.W. Outro

2009- Boots And Ballads

01 - Lost Generation
02 - That's When The Boots Fly In!
03 - The Estate
04 - Double The Pain
05 - Ode To The Working Man
06 - Frank
07 - Bold As Brass
08 - King Of The Swing
09 - Tribute
10 - Ballad Of A Gluesniffer
11 - On The Dole

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