Love Music Hate People: Urban Riot


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martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Urban Riot

On the streets (1998)

01. Factory song
02. Sign of the times
03. On the streets
04. 40 seconds
05. Fuck you
06. We hate everyone
07. Urban riot
08. Hard times
09. Class war
10. Last call
11. Skindergarten
12. Pulling on the boots (Romper stomper cover)
13. Last call (1995 Demo)
14. On the streets (1995 Demo)
15. Urban riot (1995 Demo)
16. Love it or leave it (1998 Demo)
17. Sign of the times (1998 Demo)
18. 40 seconds (1998 Demo)

Public enemies (2005)

01. Brave words (bloody knuckles)
02. Danger mouse
03. Don't tread on me
04. Show no mercy
05. Giuliani
06. The taxman cometh
07. Shatterd glass
08. Burning squatters
09. Public enmies
10. Of mice and men
11. Divided we stand
12. Here to stay
13. Love it, or leave it

A mile in our shoes (2000)

01. Moment of silence
02. A mile in our shoes
03. Never quit
04. Protect & serve
05. Hope & glory

Maddog surrender & Urban riot - Split 7'' (2001)

01. Maddog surrender - My youth
02. Maddog surrender - Not my problem
03. Urban riot - Here to stay
04. Urban riot - Shattered glass

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