Love Music Hate People: Sledge Hammer


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miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Sledge Hammer

Hang 'em high Cassette (1991)

01. New dawn warriors

02. Anthem

03. Blood awake
04. Keep your mind strong
05. We assault you!

Sledge Hammer  / Ikazuchi - Samurai Thunder-1992

01 - sledgehammer - lightning strikes
02 - sledgehammer - werwolf
03 - sledgehammer - neck hanging
04 - ikazuchi - violence nocturne
05 - ikazuchi - the way of destiny
06 - ikazuchi - betrayer

Sledge Hammer  / Ouka

02ouka-low life

New Dawn Warriors-1992

01 new dawn warriors
02 keep your mind strong

Sledge Hammer  + Bull The Buffalos - Return From The Rising Sun

sledge hammer - return from the rising sun - 01 - kampf
sledge hammer - return from the rising sun - 02 - action man
bull the buffalos - return from the rising sun - 03 - smash it up
bull the buffalos - return from the rising sun - 04 - stop immigration
bull the buffalos - return from the rising sun - 05 - obtain the right

Anthem EP-1993

01 anthem
02 stick together
03 merry jingle


01 Nihon Ookami
02 Hrakuren No
03 Aikokusha
04 Ware Ikari Yue Ni Koko Ni Ari
05 Homura
06 鋼
07 Sanzen Sekai
08 Kaze

Blood Awake! LP (2006)

01. Blood awake!
02. Keep your mind strong
03. Werewolf
04. Anthem
05. We assault you

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