Love Music Hate People: Total Annihilation


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domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

Total Annihilation

The Glorious Five Year Plan-2003

3.your time will come
4.break the system
5.fighting eachother
6.hasta la victoria siempre
7.working class
8.violence in our minds (the last resort)
9.working of the world, unite!

The Great Patriotic War-2008

01 American Pride Skins
02 Stomp The Crust
03 On The Rise
04 Boot Party
05 Drunk & Disorderly
06 June 6, 1944
07 The System
08 Bring It Back (Hardsole Cover)
09 Hass (Böhse Onkelz Cover)

99 Bottles / Total Annihilation - Colorado Oi-2014

99 Bottles

Lost My Way
Skinhead Violence

Total Annihilation 

The Glory It Once Was (Templars)
You Never Were 

Para Elite / Total Annihilation - Battle On-2014

01 battlecry
02 dont wanna hear
03 hang the bankers
04 patriot
05 skinheads
06 in bed with the reds
07 death of a nation
08 putting in the boot
09 scene slut
10 criminal invasion

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